Check out thousands of quotes from everything from life, being yourself, moving on and MORE from other Tumblr users!
View, save, and share tons of quotes about hundreds of topics compiled from Tumblr. Enjoy thousands of quotes you want without any obstructive ads to ruin your experience! Quotes are added DAILY by other users.
» Thousands of unique quotes created from others! Only the best are posted!
» Easily save the quotes into your photo library.
» Easily share with your Facebook friends or Twitter followers with social integration to easily share via Facebook, Twitter, or via email!
» Hundreds of new quotes added DAILY! No need to look elsewhere!
"Well, simple as the title says, if youre into Tumblr, GET THIS APP!! Tons of cute quotes and they even added wallpapers which was even cooler." by Vexaaa
...the best part?! Download it now and receive all future updates for free.
*** Quotes from Tumblr is compatible on the following devices. If your device is not listed, our app may not run: iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPad Mini, iPad 2, iPad 3, iPad 4, iPod touch 4G, iPod touch 5G. In the case you do run into any issues, please contact us via the support URL listed. ***
Tumblr is owned and operated by Tumblr, Inc. and is not affiliated with this app in anyway. This app serves as a compilation of quotes posted by Tumblr users.